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Ovulation Induction (Clomid and Femara)

For some patients, the use of ovulation medications can significantly improve the chances of conception. Up to a third of women with infertility may experience issues with ovulation. Clomid and Femara are the two most commonly prescribed medications that work to promote ovulation. These medications are relatively inexpensive (under ~$30 per GoodRx data on Jan 24, 2021) and may be covered by your insurance provider.

How Do Clomid and Femara Promote Ovulation?

Clomid is an oral medication, alternatively known as clomiphene citrate. Clomid causes the body to think there is less estrogen than is actually present, stimulating the pituitary gland to make more follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). FSH encourages the ovary to make one or more egg follicles, and LH prompts ovulation.

Femara, or Letrozole, is another oral medication that acts similarly to Clomid. Femara improves the chances of conception by encouraging the production of egg follicles and ovulation through higher FSH and LH levels. In prohibiting the production of estrogen, larger amounts of FSH and LH are released by the pituitary gland.

Since Clomid and Femara accomplish much of the same purpose, if one medication does not work well for an individual, the other medication may be tried. In addition, Femara has shown promising results in patients with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS.

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How Successful Are Clomid and Femara?

With Clomid, approximately 80% of women will have successful ovulation, and 30% of women will become pregnant within 3 months of using Clomid. Femara’s success rates are similar to Clomid’s success rates.

What if I Have PCOS?

Femara is the preferred medication for PCOS patients. Femara may improve pregnancy rates in women with PCOS (after 5 cycles of use, 19% pregnancy rate with Clomid compared to 28% with Femara). Femara may also be recommended for women who have failed to ovulate or achieve pregnancy with Clomid.

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What are the Side Effects of Clomid and Femara?

Side effects of Clomid include bloating, nausea, headache, breast pain, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood swings, and occasionally ovarian cysts.

Side effects of Femara include mild fatigue or dizziness. Most women have fewer side effects with Femara and are spared more unpleasant issues seen with Clomid, such as mood swings and vaginal dryness.

Am I a Candidate for Clomid or Femara?

If urine LH (ovulation) kits have been negative, you have irregular menstrual cycles, or poor follicle growth is noted on ultrasound, you may be a Clomid or Femara candidate. These medications also can be used in “unexplained” infertility when other interventions and options have failed.

Your Plano Women’s Healthcare provider will review your menstrual history, medication conditions, evaluate for signs and symptoms of PCOS, and assess bloodwork to see if you are a candidate for Clomid or Femara. During this process, our all-female team of specialists will work to make you as comfortable as possible.

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Have More Questions About Clomid or Femara?

You can find out more about how Clomid or Femara can increase your chance of pregnancy when you schedule a consultation appointment at Plano Women’s Healthcare. We will help you determine if Clomid or Femara is a good fit for you based on your individual needs and history.

Find out if Clomid or Femara is right for you

Call us today at 972-596-2470 To Schedule a Consultation

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