Plano Women’s Healthcare is located at the Medical City Plano campus, in Professional Building 1, Suite 202, on 1600 Coit Road. Our office is located on the second floor, accessible by stairs or elevator. Our entrance has double glass doors, located at the Skybridge entrance.
Parking Options - Plano Women’s Healthcare
- Valet parking on the ground level of Professional I building or at the main hospital entrance (“A Tower”). The hospital pays for valet and the associated tips.
- Covered Parking Garage – across the Skybridge near Professional III/Surgery Center of Plano. Enter Professional III through the front entrance, take the elevators or stairs to the 2nd floor, and walk across the Skybridge. Our office is located right at the end of the Skybridge.
- Surface Lot options:
- Across (south) from Professional I and A Tower, 2nd floor of the parking garage
- Surgery Center of Plano, Professional III
- Emergency Room / C Tower
- A Tower East
Parking Map

Surgery Center of Plano
Located at the NW corner of Coit & 15th.
Medical City Plano, Surgery
Located on the 1st floor of Medical City Plano hospital, next to the Emergency Room. Following parking signs for the Emergency Room off Coit Road.
Preoperative testing (PAT clinic) is located on the first floor of Professional Building III, across the Skybridge from our office, at 4001 W 15th Street.
Medical City Plano, Labor & Delivery
Located on the 2nd floor of Medical City Plano hospital, above the Emergency Room. Following parking signs for the Emergency Room off Coit Road.